A Good Laugh

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, boy! I've had a good laugh today. There is nothing better than a good laugh and foolish people always give me the best laugh of all. Today I've been laughing at the Lord's church. It's great fun! Hahahahaha. There are so many who don't agree with me, and I'm obviously correct in my understandings and interpretations. Wow! How funny those weak people are. I'm sure God sits up there and has a good laugh at His church, don't you think so too? People thinking that 1 Timothy 2:11ff actually has any meaning to or for us today are really funny. I just can't stop laughing.
I look at some of the ladies in our congregation who hold deep seated beliefs (In this day and age, can you imagine?) that they should not stand before the congregation, even to do something as service oriented as passing the communion (Yes. They actually believe this. Hahaha.) and I just laugh at them. They are lovely ladies, but oh so funny. Can you imagine that anyone with even a meager education could actually believe something as foolish as "women cannot stand and pass the communion"? Or what about those ladies who would be mortified if the teacher asked them to say something in class, because they believe a women should not speak. Hohohohohoh0, hahahahaha.
How could they be so silly.
Everyone knows Paul was a woman hater and wanted to be sure women stayed in their place, that's why he wrote those things. God never felt that way. That Genesis three stuff where we read, "Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you." That's just something some other male chauvinist threw in there. The intellectuals have shown us this plainly. So when people actually read that and believe it...why, it's just laughable and I can't stop giggling. Hehehehehehehehe....ohhhhhh....hahahahahaha.
I just love a good laugh and laughing at the expense of the body of Christ, why that's the ultimate in "good laughs." I can hardly wait until next Sunday when I can get back with those people who actually say they love the Lord and yet believe and practice so many foolish things, so I can have another good laugh at their expense.
Their actions remind me of the ones in the first century who would not eat meats sacrificed to idols, as if an idol was something. Hahahahaha. Paul sure told those weak and foolish people didn't...well... ummmm... yes...... I do know that Jesus died for them - 1 Corinthians 8:11, but still how funny...Hahaha, and Paul sure.... What? You actually think I could hurt someone with my laughter? Oh, but I would miss out on... and besides, I have this freedom... and, seriously, don't the rest of you agree with me that they are foolish? Won't you join me in a good laugh?
No. No. Don't read the next few lines, they are just more of Paul's maudlin drivel.
1 Corinthians 8:9 Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak. 10 For if anyone with a weak conscience sees you who have this knowledge eating in an idol's temple, won't he be emboldened to eat what has been sacrificed to idols? 11 So this weak brother, for whom Christ died, is destroyed by your knowledge. 12 When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. 13 Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause him to fall.
Oh Paul, you're so funny! Ha, haha.
This is tongue in cheek sarcasm. I am writing to express my sadness at those who would laugh at or ridicule others who may be more conservative in their beliefs, yet love the Lord as deeply and dearly as any. I am not trying to espouse any particular doctrine except to be kind to one another.
Oh my. That probably was a wrong response, wasn't it? Especially in a public forum like that. My laughter was at the coincidence of the names, but now I can see how it could be misconstrued. I'm going to delete my comment from there. I hope I'll have the opportunity to apologize to anyone I may have hurt.
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