What I've Got They Used to Call the Blues
What I've got they used to call the blues
Nothing's really wrong
Feelin' like I don't belong...
Yea, that's the kind of day I'm talking about. We all go through them. We're there, but not really. People talk to us and we respond, but never actually join a conversation; We're aloof without trying to be, distant and cut off. There are times when people think we're being stand-offish, but it's not that at all. And it's not really something that you can easily control. It may come from tiredness, illness or even an argument with your spouse or a close friend and there you are...Rainy Days and Mondays.
So what do you do about it? Pray? Funny thing, you don't feel like praying. Laugh? That's even less likely. Jogging or a long walk where you can just be alone with your thoughts? Wow. That often drags me father down, because I get into those thoughts and they were bad enough without thinking them. Once I start concentrating on them I get sucked farther in as if it were a black hole and the vacuum is inescapable.
For the majority of usI have no real advice as to what one should do when we get the blues or are depressed, filled with sorrow, sadness, emptiness or dejection. I do know that for most of us it will pass. Tomorrow or the next day we will feel better and a smile will be back on our face. And for those who are like this, well, just live with it for a day or two.
For those who live a life time with the blues and depression is not just a momentary thing, you can't take it lightly and you can't just ignore it. You have to get help. I hate that you have it and it makes me feel badly thinking that there are people out there who feel the way I do at this moment, but they won't get over it as I know I will. I know also that there are people out there who have knowledge as to what to do for you and they can help and want to help. Seek them out. Don't live with it by yourself. Here are some things you can do:
- Find supportive friends and spend time with them. It needs to be those who really love you and that you can pour your heart out to
- Exercise. One of the worst things to do is lie in bed all day. Remember Paul Simon's "Slip Slidin' Away" and the woman who said, "A bad day's when I lie in bed and think of things that might have been"? You can't stay in bed, depression only gets worse.
- Take a walk in the woods
- Try a relaxing hot bath
- Watch a funny movie or comedy
- Go out to lunch with a friend or just have a friend over for coffee
- Spend some time in the sun today - this one's very important - the sun has healing powers just by brightening our day
- Challenge your negative thinking
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