Song Two
In 1989 Don Henley won the "Best Rock Vocal Performance-male" for his album "End of the Innocence". One of the songs on the album was called "The Heart of the Matter." It wasn't meant to be a spiritual song, but it certainly is, because the heart of the matter is forgiveness. Of all the things we are looking for in this lonely, desperate world the greatest is forgiveness. Cheating lovers want to be forgiven. Murderers want absolution. Liars and deceivers want to hear "I forgive you," more than anything. Oh, I know that many times we want that only after we get caught, but still…
Psalm 32 talks about David's struggles after committing adultery with Bathsheba and having her husband killed in order to cover up his infidelity. His mouth is dry and his stomach aches continually. His bones feel arthritic and he can't look up to God whom he loves, but has hurt desperately. The Psalm, written after Nathan the prophet came and confronted David, expresses the relief felt when the sin was exposed and forgiveness granted. While it's true, David still lived through the consequences of his sin, he was also forgiven. His relationship with the Father of glory was restored and his body aches and dry mouth ended with forgiveness.
I've felt those same pains and feelings. Arguments with my wife, children or friends and the separation, the broken relationships and isolation all bore into my heart and filled me with the loneliness of great need. And I knew that the only thing that could take care of the need was forgiveness. A simple owning up to what I had done and an "I'm sorry," would clear it all away. How stupid of me those so many times when my pride kept me waiting many hours, days and even weeks to find the humility to say a short little two word sentence.
Don Henley sings, "I've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter, but my will gets weak and my thoughts seem to scatter, but I think it's about forgiveness, forgiveness, even if…you don't love me anymore." How sad it is when we wait too long to make those approaches and bend the knee, with hands lifted upward, pleading "I'm so sorry. Forgive me!" that by the time we say it the love our lover one time felt ended up too tarnished to reflect the feelings we offered and our pleas went unheeded.
How many broken homes and relationships; How many alienated children and parents; How many friendships lost forever, because we refused or waited too long to say "I'm sorry"? How many more will there be? Forgiveness comes when we offer our humble apologies in time to make a difference. So, whatever it is… don't wait.
I couldn't find the song on You Tube, but here's the link for Grooveshark. Play the one on the End of the Innocence album.
The Heart of the Matter#
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