Only One Throne

Many Americans and others believe that the center of all there is in Washington D.C.. Others believe it is Beijing or Moscow, perhaps even Paris or London. We look at things this way because our minds are centered on earthly things. We see things from the only perspective many have, the physical. What we are truly looking at, however, is something terribly temporary. I was watching a documentary on corn the other evening. We were told that corn is one of those things that needs man to control it or it would disappear after just a very few short years. It cannot successfully propagate itself. If an ear of corn dries and falls to the ground, most of the seeds would begin to grow. The problem is, they would be so wound together that most would die and nothing would be produced. Fewer and fewer corn plants would grow until there were none. That is what the world is like. It does not go from chaos to perfection, but from perfection to chaos. Leave a brand new house empty for four or five years and when you go back to occupy it you will find that it is full of mold and falling apart. Insects would have eaten into it; water would have damaged it and neglect would have contributed to the decay. This would happen because the physical is just temporary.
Only things of the spirit are eternal. My body, which had a beginning, will surely have an end. The earth, our solar system and the universe all had a beginning. They all came from some place. They could not have been here for eternity because the sun would have long since burned up and everything would be one terribly cold temperature. Life would not exist. Because of the great design demonstrated in the earth and the life of it, we know that it was created - or we can know this. We are without excuse, we are told in Romans chapter 1. The creation testifies that there is a God who designed and created this world.
Why are we so afraid to see that? I think it's because of two things:
1. We want to be the boss. If God is boss then we are not and we are subject to His rules. We always hear people say, "You're not the boss of me." We might have said it ourselves. We don't want God to rule. We want to rule.
2. If God rules then we have some deep responsibilities and there are consequences if we fail in our responsibilities. Who needs this?! Who wants this?
By His grace, there are many who seek the eternal and see the cross as the throne of God as the center of everything. Look at Revelation chapter four. John sees God sitting on His throne and everything circles around the throne. That is telling us where the true center is. This being so, it excludes every other throne that would try to place itself in the center.