A Split Second

I sin. I also teach Bible class on Sunday morning. Which one defines me? If the people who are in my Bible class saw me sin and that was all they remembered of me then they would have a very difficult time trying to hear anything I might say in class. They would limit me to my sin. The truth is, however, that I am more than my sin. I am more than a snapshot; more than a moment in time.
Fortunately, the Father of all has made it plain that He thinks more about us than our sin(s). He is like fathers everywhere. We know our children are not perfect, but we do not see them just as their imperfections, we see them in their totality. We see them on good days and bad. We know they are a combination of happy and sad, of good and bad, of righteous and unrighteous. We do not see them as fodder for humiliation and bad taste joking. We see them as someone worthy of our love and loved whether worthy or not. So it is with God. He sees us as His creation. He loves us because that is what He is. It is not what He does, but what He is - God is love. And love finds a way.
It is not that split second that tells honest people what we are it is a lifetime of living that says "this is me."
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