Tuesday, February 06, 2007

What is Truth

As Jesus stood before Pilate he was questioned about being the king of the Jews. There is an understanding in Pilate that Jesus is not just anyone, but is someone special. Unfortunately, Pilate was a weak man and would not stand up for the right. So when he asks, "Are you the king of the Jews?" Jesus tells him that "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

Pilate, in disgust - not with Jesus, but with those who brought Jesus to him, I think - snaps back, "What is truth?" And that's the question, isn't it?

What is truth? We hear people debating global warming and presenting good points on both sides of the issue. When they're finished we wonder - "What is truth?" In politics we hear that this is the worst economy in decades by the President's opponents and his own people say just the opposite. We are left with uncertainty as we try to decide - "What is truth?"

The same is true in religion. There are hundreds of creeds, sects, persuasions, religions, etc. and I wonder if it is possible that they are all correct. As I struggle to decide truth I look at the many "Christian" religions and see conflicting doctrines. Can all be right? Even in conflict? Even if what they teach might be antipodal to another's teaching?

I struggle with this. I wonder...Do you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Jewish woman who also struggles with what truth/whose truth/how do we know? My heart's response is that the highest truth is the power of love. From what little I know, Jesus led a loving life, a giving life. I have come over these many years of questioning to believe that he is an unrecognized, lost prophet, of Hebrews . I am not learned in the Old or New Testaments, but I am schooled by my faith in a Higher Power. When I have put myself in the hands of God, I have been helped (tho' not always as I would have wanted or expected--still always in the way I truly needed). Love is the answer, but not always easy for us mortals plagued by emotions and insecurities and fears. I pray not only for peace on earth, but for an understanding that each human being is a precious soul. If we treated every child as such a gift, then perhaps sharing, loving and giving of oneself would become the norm.
Well, that is my two-cents worth.
Love and Peace,

Fri Feb 09, 11:07:00 AM CST  

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